Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Braces

It's been a rather wonderful year with my braces. This is the second time donning on these metal fittings because as a teen, I did not take care of my teeth and my bugs bunny teeth decided to pop its way back out again.

I always thought it was just my front two teeth that were the problem. Turns out the dentist said my front two teeth are just really huge, so the aim was to push them upwards. My teeth on the inside were also not too fantastic, they were rotated but not really that visible when I show off my teeth. So after a couple years of working and being sooo frustrated with my teeth, I decided that my teeth needed to be fixed. Next up, if I'm able to, it's Lasik.

So after a year, thankfully only a year.
Sleepy eye me, but yay to straight and whiter teeth. May they forever stay this way. 
And I'm so glad that on the day of my good friend's wedding, I was without braces. Congrats to her and her new hubby! 

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